Thursday, April 23, 2015

Sales Ideas for Engineers

This blog is for you. The engineers that ProximaB2B loves to build sales for. You know who you are.

If making cold calls, heck even warm calls, is your idea of being tortured like the scene with the rack in The Princess Bride

If I Love F*&cking Science is in your top ten viewed site list

If you build it and hope the customers will come, this blog is for you.

We love engineers, programmers, people who hate sales, nerds, geeks, and late night app developers who need revenue to keep the lights on. We know that engineers and developers of all sorts are a slightly different breed than those of us who CHOSE to build careers in sales. We admire your focus on the features and details of the UI. We stand in awe as you debug and compile and design and create.

But in the end, engineers have got to eat. Some of you have investors who are calling daily asking what your revenue plans are for this quarter and next. Some of you are looking at your partners wondering why the word-of-mouth referrals that have always brought in plenty of business aren't bringing in new projects. All of you need to build sales or you would be writing code or reading ILFS instead of a blog about sales for tech companies and the engineers who build solutions not sales plans.

Proxima B2B may be able to help. We've built predictable revenue for a lot of companies. We know when the warm lead is bored and when the follow-up call can be closed into new business. We love to work through pricing issues and positioning challenges. We thrive on trade show floors, telephones, and airplanes.

We're building this blog to help you, help yourself with sales tasks. When the time comes to review your results and bring in specialized professionals, we hope you'll call us.

About Katherine
Katherine Parker, Kate to her friends, has been closing major sales for technology companies since the road warrior’s best friend was a Compaq luggable. In addtion to leading new business inititatives at ProximaB2B, Kate still makes at least 50 quality sales calls each week into the markets she knows best.

ProximaB2B closes sales for clients offering complex intangibles within the North American market. Northstar Enterprises, our parent company also offers consulting, training  and a full range of sales support services for company leaders who have found that 'selling yourself' is harder than it might at first seem.

You can find Proxima B2B on Twitter  @Proximab2b
We're also on LinkedIN

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